Extension and Outreach
Extension Courses
The extension courses offered by the Department of Education over the past few years cover a wide range of topics of interest to teachers, student-teachers and the general public. Topics such as Early Childhood Education, Non-Formal Education, Youth and Adult Education, Technologies and Media in Education, Literacies, Learning Difficulties, Inclusion, Jewish Studies, among others are explored by a qualified teaching staff and up-to-date regarding the main theoretical discussions and contemporary practices.
The Specialization and Extension Courses of the Department of Education are linked to the Central Coordination Office of Extension Courses
(NOVO em 2022) Docência no Ensino Superior (65 horas)
O exercício da docência do ensino superior vem se complexificando diante das novas exigências educacionais, formativas e profissionais do mundo contemporâneo. O curso tem a proposta de atualizar o debate sobre o papel da universidade e do professor no ensino superior, em articulação com a construção de práticas pedagógicas multidimensionais e comprometidas com a formação humana e profissional. Serão abordados temas como a Pedagogia universitária, o processo ensino-aprendizagem, a didática e o currículo, as metodologias de ensino e as tecnologias digitais. O curso é coordenado pelas Profas. Silvana Mesquita and Vera Candau.
For more information: click here.
Daycare Center and Daily Work with Children from 0 to 3 Years Old (60 hours)
The course aims to discuss principles of working with children from 0 to 3 years old, dealing specifically with practices that focus on the affective and social dimensions of children as central to the work of daycare centers. The course is coordinated by Professors Alexandra Coelho Pena and Sonia Kramer.
For more information: click here.
Inclusion and Mediation: insertion strategies at school (35 hours)
Since it is clear that school institutions and their agents are not yet prepared to deal with differences in their daily lives, betting on an inclusive society is a big challenge. To think about inclusion is to enable the construction of spaces where it is possible to contemplate the singularities of each student within a collective environment; to create classrooms that fit all worlds, understanding them as environments of translation between cultures, experiences and different forms of life. We believe that there are no ready or right answers on how to deal with the challenges that inclusion produces, thus, to foster real change in schools, we think it is crucial that we foster learning spaces for deepening knowledge about differences, disability, inclusion, adaptation of material, teaching for all, accessibility, and for encouraging the discussion of ideas. The course is coordinated by Professor Cristina Carvalho.
For more information: click here.
Childhood, culture, education and aesthetics (65 hours)
On the understanding that social relationships, physical objects, ways of life and learning, places, and activities are the basis on which the child dialectically builds his/her understanding of himself or herself and of the world, this course is intended to reflect on the experiences of cultural development offered to children at school and at cultural institutions. The role of the educator and his or her cultural background will also be addressed, highlighting its importance in the mediation between child and world. The course discusses how the aesthetic experiences developed in these spaces can permeate the child’s relationship with the world; promote the establishment of new connections; enable the construction of knowledge; and also to contribute to the processes of meaning and communication in childhood. The course is coordinated by Professor Cristina Carvalho.
For more information: click here.
Media Literacy in the Co-creation of Educational Activities (60 hours)
The course is configured as a study environment, involving the deepening of theoretical understanding and reflection, in collaborative learning, focused on media/digital literacy and the co-creation of educational activities that can be carried out in person or remotely with students in elementary and high school. The different study pathways and virtual meetings involve the expansion of knowledge in co-creation, testing (with students), monitoring and evaluation of remote educational activities, seeking to improve pedagogical strategies in this educational format. The course is coordinated by Professor Rosália Duarte.
For more information: click here.
Orientação Profissional e de Carreira (48 horas)
No mundo atual, é crescente a demanda por profissionais capacitados que possam auxiliar adolescentes, jovens e adultos desde a primeira escolha profissional até uma possível transição de carreira. Frente às mudanças na sociedade e no trabalho, jovens e adultos são chamados a pensar e a gerir suas escolhas e suas carreiras. É papel do/a orientador/a profissional e de carreira facilitar o processo de escolha, oferecendo condições a esses sujeitos para refletirem sobre suas dúvidas e questões, por meio do autoconhecimento e também de um maior conhecimento do mundo do trabalho. O curso é coordenado pela Profa Elisa Bacal.
For more information: click here