The Education Department of PUC-Rio is a plural and democratic space for learning, research and teaching, aimed at improving the quality of education and the training of professionals working in the area. An important trademark of ours is the pioneering spirit. On the one hand, we created the first full time (stricto sensu) Graduate Program stricto sensu in Education in Brazil. On the other hand, we have a tradition of innovation in the development of new disciplines such as Anthropology and Education, Media and Technology, and Multiculturalism, among others, offered both at the undergraduate and graduate levels (master's degree and doctoral degree).
With the research developed by our professors and students, we seek to understand the complexity of social and educational relations that make up contemporary Brazil in its diversity. At the same time, we maintain dialogues with our various partners in teaching and research centers abroad. This means that another important aspect of our Department concerns its growing internationalization. We maintain partnerships with education and research institutions both internationally and nationally. Additionally, we have established partnerships with the public and private education systems of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, especially in elementary education, and we conduct work with non-governmental organizations and non-formal educational spaces, in addition to other Higher Education Institutions.
All of this results in a productive teaching, research and learning environment where traditional and consolidated approaches in Teacher Education and educational research are combined to provide innovative frameworks for teaching and research in the area. This is reflected in the recent renewal of professorial staff, who, together with Research Mentorship, Master's Degree and Doctoral Degreestudents, provide an important indicator of the dynamism that governs our Department.
Equipe Gestora do Departamento (2022-2024)
Director: Profa. Zena Eisenberg
Undergraduate Coordinator: Profa. Alexandra Pena
Graduate Coordinator: Prof. Pedro Teixeira
Graduate Vice-Coordinator: Profa. Naira Muylaert