The The Education Evaluation Laboratory (LAEd) foi fundado em 1997 e desde então vem realizando estudos na área de avaliação de políticas educacionais, sistemas de ensino e escolas e seus efeitos na eficácia e na equidade escolar. Os projetos desenvolvidos institucionalmente pelo LAEd recebem financiamento de agências de fomento (CNPq; CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) and FAPERJ (the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation)) and articulate individual research projects within the scope of the production of doctoral theses, master's dissertations and Research Mentorship experiences. LAEd maintains academic and research links with researchers from UFJF (The Federal University of Juiz de Fora) and UFMG (The Federal University of Minas Gerais) ], dentro do histórico de colaboração em pesquisa que começou a ser desenvolvido em 2004 com o GERES Project - Longitudinal Study of School Generation 2005, which investigated factors of effectiveness and equity in 303 schools and five Brazilian cities between 2005 and 2008. Since 2018, LAEd member coordinators have participated in an international research network that investigates the themes of inequality, discrimination and prejudice in education and includes researchers from Argentina, Chile and France in the scope of the CAPES Print Project.