
Graduate Program and Research


History and Mission

The Graduate Program in Education at PUC-Rio (PPGE/PUC-Rio) completed 54 years of systematic and continuous work in 2020. Being the first graduate education program in the country, the Program remains true to its mission and to its original goals:

to collaborate with the production and the socialization of knowledge about early years, elementary, middle and high school, as well as higher education in Brazil, in order to support the elaboration of educational policies and quality enhancement, with an emphasis on public education.

The Graduate Program in Education /PUC-Rio offers degrees in Master's in Education and PhD in Human Sciences – Education. Our Master's Degree was the first one in the country, originally founded in 1966. The Doctoral Degree is from 1976. Both have been contributing decisively to the professional development of teachers and university professors and researchers of renowned competence, as well as to the development of lines of action and research in the field of Education. Since its implementation, the Program has yielded 920 graduates from the Master’s program and 791 from the doctoral program who, for the most part, integrate the teaching staff at national and international teaching and research institutions; or are principals or coordinators in the Brazilian public educational system, at the federal, state and municipal levels.  

One of the hallmarks of our graduate program is academic excellence, as assessed by the government agency responsible for academic evaluation - CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education)which has given the Program a grade 6 (out of 7 levels) consecutively over the past eight years. 

Other characteristics of the Program include the plurality and flexibility of areas of research. The faculty body covers a wide spectrum of analytical perspectives and theoretical-methodological approaches, and the Program's identity was built around its flexibility in curriculum structure and emphasis on the articulation between teaching and research, but without relinquishing a common basis of knowledge to be worked on in both in the core courses and the elective ones.


Atualmente o Coordenador do programa é o Prof. Pedro Pinheiro Teixeira, and the Vice-Coordinator is Naira Muylaert.

Contact info:  posedu@puc-rio.br