Graduate Program and Research
Theses and Dissertations
Access to the dissertations and theses defended in the Graduate Program in Education at PUC-Rio are free and available on the ETDs@PUC-Rio platform.
The Electronic Theses and Dissertations of PUC-Rio is a database, information and texts aggregator of the university's electronic theses and dissertations, extracted from the Maxwell System. All material made available in the repository follows national and international standards and practices in order to be fully integrated with the scientific community.
Awarded Theses and Dissertations
Throughout its existence, our Graduate Program has had its production in theses and dissertations recognized by numerous awards, as shown below.
Prêmio CTCH de Teses, PUC-Rio, 2022 – Luísa Figueiredo do Amaral e Silva, for the doctoral thesis Conhecimentos curriculares e visões de docência na formação de professores para as escolas de tempo integral: em foco os cursos de especialização em Educação Integral, orientada pela Profª. Maria Inês Marcondes. O prêmio promove a publicação da tese como e-book, em parceria com a editora da PUC-Rio. O livro está disponível gratuitamente no site da editora.
The CTCH (Center for Theology and the Human Sciences) Thesis Award, PUC-Rio, 2019 – Maria Nazareth de Souza Salutto de Mattos, for the doctoral thesis "Babies and books: relationship, subtlety, reciprocity and bond", under the supervision of professor Sonia Kramer;
Honorable Mention, the CTCH Thesis Awards, PUC-Rio, 2019 – Erisson Viana Correa, for the doctoral thesis Accountability and education impacts of the Escola Nota Dez Award (10 out of 10 school award) of the public education system in Ceará, under the supervision of professor Alicia Bonamino and joint supervision of Ignacio Cano (UERJ).
One of the three best theses in the area of Special Education of the Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial and the journal Educação Especial in the period of 2016/2019 – Flávia Pedrosa de Camargo, for the doctoral thesis “The right to education of students with disabilities: aspects of the implementation of the policy of inclusive education”, under the supervision of professor Cynthia Paes de Carvalho and the joint supervision of Professor Mônica Kassar collaborator of the Program within the scope of DINTER (Interinstitutional Doctorate program) led with the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS).
Second place in the Leila Marrach Award, Southeast Brazilian Association for the History of Religions, 2019 – Rosiane Brandão Siqueira, for the master's dissertation entitled "What children talk to, listen and practice in school”defended in 2019 under the supervision of Sonia Kramer and joint supervision of Alexandra Pena.
CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award in the area of Education and the CAPES Juarez Rubens Brandão Lopes Grand Prize for Theses in 2018 – Andriele Ferreira Muri Leite, for the doctoral thesis “Scientific Literacy in Brazil and Japan through PISA’s Results”, under the supervision of professor Alicia Bonamino and joint supervision of professor Tufi Machado Soares (UFJF).
CAPES(The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award, 2017 – Silvana Soares de Araujo Mesquita, for the doctoral thesis “Teaching in high school: the centrality of the teacher's role in working with young people from the periphery” under the supervision of professor Isabel Alice Oswald Monteiro Lelis.
Honorable Mention in CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award, 2016 – Ana Cristina Prado De Oliveira for the thesis “The relationships between the principal’s leadership and the school environment in the municipal schools of Rio de Janeiro” under the supervision of professor Cynthia Paes de Carvalho and joint supervision of professor Fatima Alves e Menção Honrosa do Jeffrey V. Bannet Outstanding Interntional Research Award, UCEA (University Council for Educational Administration) – melhor artigo evento científico.
CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award in the Area of Education and Teaching, 2015 – Cristiane Taveira for the doctoral thesis “Towards a didactics for the deaf: Pedagogical practice in the pilot schools for bilingual sign education in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro”, under the supervision of professor Vera Maria Ferrão Candauand Diploma of Merit for the achievement of CAPES Thesis Award 2015, Carlos Chagas Foundation.
Honorable Mention in the CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award, 2013 – Daniela Frida Drelich for the doctoral thesis “Black quota ex-students at UERJ (The State University of Rio de Janeiro): The discredited and their academic success”, under the supervision of professor Vera Maria Ferrão Candau.
Honorable Mention in the CAPES The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Thesis Award, 2010 – Ana Maria Bastos Loureiro for the doctoral thesis “Práticas de Leitura e Escrita em uma escola na contemporaneidade: o manuscrito, o impresso e o digital” , under the supervision of professor Maria Inês G. F. Marcondes de Souza.