Doctor in Education at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro She is currently an Associate Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro , and researcher and coordinator of the Education Evaluation Laboratory/LAEd. She has research and teaching experience in the area of Educational Policy, working mainly on the following themes: policies for basic education, implementation and evaluation of Educational policies, and educational inequalities. She is a member of the Group of Studies on Implementation of Public Educational Policies (REIPPE) composed of researchers from several Brazilian teaching and research institutions (USP; PUC-SP; UFPR; UNICID; CENPEC; UFRJ; Carlos Chagas Foundation; UNIRIO; UFOP, among others). In Brazil, she coordinates the international research network “Inequality and Discrimination: School Policies and Contexts" created under the Capes (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education) Institutional Program for Internationalization (CAPES/PRINT) with the participation of researchers from Brazil, France and Chile, which investigates the implementation of Educational policies that focus on tackling inequality and social discrimination in educational contexts in each of those three countries.
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