Associate Professor in the Department of Education at Department of Education of PUC-Rio since 2008. She has a Teaching degree in Physics (PUC-Rio, 1979), a Master’s degree in Education (IESAE/FGV-RJ (Institute of Advanced Studies in Education at theetúlio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro), 1992) and Doctoral degree in Education (PUC-Rio, 2004). She has extensive professional experience in social areas, particularly in education (15 years in primary education in public and private schools and 15 years in community educational activities), research, project evaluation, public policies, planning and management (in school and in non-governmental organizations). Since 2010, she coordinates the research group GESQ - Education Management and Quality - currently supported by FAPERJ (the Rio de Janeiro State Research Foundation). She advises future masters and doctoral students in the area of school management, sociology and educational policy, management and the implementation of Educational policies. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as an ad hoc consultant in evaluation activities in the area of Education of CAPES (The National Council for Professional Development in Higher Education), including the 2013-2016 four-year evaluation. Since 2009, she has collaborated as an expert with several qualified journals in the area of education.
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