Professora titular no Department of Education of PUC-RioShe completed her Doctoral degree in Education at PUC-Rio. She has published several articles in specialized journals and presented papers in national and international events. She supervises master's dissertations and doctoral theses in the area of Teacher Education, Teaching Practice, Curriculum and Evaluation. She is a researcher and a member of the research associations ANPED (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education), and AERA(American Educational Research Association) and is the National Representative of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT). She is currently a member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal Teachers and Teaching (UK- Taylor and Francis Group) and was member of the Editorial Committee of the Journal Studying Teacher Education (UK- Routledge/ Taylor and Francis Group). She was a visiting scholar in the Faculty of Education / University of Cambridge between January and February, 2014 and in February, 2015. She was the coordinator of the Didactics working group in ANPED (2014-2015).
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