She has an undergraduate degree in Psychology at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, a Master’s Degree in Education IESAE/Getúlio Vargas Foundation - RJ and a Doctoral Degree in Education, PUC-Rio. She completed a Postdoctoral Internship at Alcalá de Henares University (2018), Spain. She is an Associate Professor at PUC-Rio , Coordinator of the Education and Media Research Group. She is alos member of the following scientific Assoctiations: National Association of Undergraduate Studies and Research in Education; Brazilian Association of Researchers and Educommunication Professionals; Children, Youth and Media Working Group; European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA); Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science. Editor of the Online Education Journal (PUC-Rio Education) and member of the following Editorial Councils: Education & Reality Journal (UFRGS), Education Review Journal and Revista InterScientia. Founding member of the Kino Network - Latin American Network of Research and Actions in Cinema, Education and Audiovisual.
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