Naira Muylaert


In 2007, she earned her undergraduate in Pedagogy at UNIRIO. She has Doctoral (2016) and Master’s degrees (2012) in Education from PUC-Rio. In 2014, she was a research scholar at L'Universté de Génève, with Professor Marcel Crahay. In 2019, she took on a Post-Doctorate position (PDJ, CNPq, 2019) at PUC-Rio.. Since 2010, she has been a member of the Education Evaluation Laboratory Research Group (LAEd), at PUC-Rio and since 2019 she has acted as a vice-coordinator of the group. Since 2014, she has participated in the Study Group on the Implementation of Public Educational Policies (REIPPE), being currently a member of the Coordinating team. She is a member of the research associations: National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education (ANPEd) and National Education Policy and Administration Association (ANPAE). Her research in the educational field involves the following themes: public policies in education, justice in education, affirmative actions, educational inequalities, quantitative research methodologies.

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